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FHLBank Atlanta Highlights

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Stock Calculation Scheduled for March 14

On March 14, 2025, FHLBank Atlanta will conduct the annual recalculation of the Minimum Stock Requirement that is also used to determine an institution's voting shares in the 2025 director election. 

Affordable Housing Advisory Council Nominations

Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta (Bank) is soliciting nominations from Alabama, Maryland, North Carolina, and South Carolina for individuals to serve on the Bank's Affordable Housing Advisory Council (Advisory Council). Nominations are due by November 20, 2024.

2024 Director Election Voting

FHLBank Atlanta is conducting an election to fill two member directorships, one independent directorship, and one public interest independent directorship on its board of directors. Ballots have been emailed to Bank members. Every vote counts and it is important that your voice is heard. 

2024 Director Elections

Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta (Bank) is conducting an election to fill four directorships on its board of directors: two member directorships and two independent directorships.

2023 Impact Report

FHLBank Atlanta's first Impact Report is now available to read. The report includes infomration on housing, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and our culture. 

Affordable Housing Advisory Council Nominations

Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta (Bank) is soliciting nominations from North Carolina for individuals to serve on the Bank's Affordable Housing Advisory Council (Advisory Council). Nominations are due by April 5, 2024.

Stock Calculation Scheduled for March 15

On March 15, 2024, FHLBank Atlanta will conduct the annual recalculation of the Minimum Stock Requirement that is also used to determine an institution's voting shares in the 2024 director election. 

Stock Calculations Scheduled for August 25

On August 25, 2023, FHLBank Atlanta will recalculate each member’s B1 Membership Stock Requirement based on the increased B1 stock requirement factor of 0.07% of total assets as of 12/31/2022, subject to an increased dollar cap of $18 million. The Bank will also recalculate each member’s B2 Advances Stock Requirement based on the increased B2 Advances Stock Requirement factor of 4.75%. The Bank will debit (charge) the member’s DIA for the corresponding amounts and increase the amount of the member’s Subclass B1 and Subclass B2 Capital Stock accordingly.

Stock Calculation Scheduled for March 17

On March 17, 2023, FHLBank Atlanta will conduct the annual recalculation of the Minimum Stock Requirement that is also used to determine an institution's voting shares in the 2023 Director Election. 

B2 Stock Calculation Scheduled for December 5

On December 5, 2022, FHLBank Atlanta will recalculate each member’s B2 Advances Stock Requirement based on the increase of the B2 Advances Stock Requirement factor from 3.75% to 4.25%. To the extent that any member’s Minimum Stock Requirement increases as a result of the recalculation, the Bank will debit (charge) the member’s DIA for the corresponding amount and increase the amount of the member’s Subclass B2 Capital Stock accordingly.